The Beauty Of Portugal and Greece Will Amaze You

1. Mykonos island in Greece is truly amazing

From @npsideris_new

2. The beautiful lush landscape in Açores - Portugal

From @johan_drone_adventures

3. A coffee shop at Mykonos island in Greece

From @npsideris_new

4. It's a beautiful day to enjoy the pool, at Crete - Greece

From @cbezerraphotos

5. The beautiful green at Açores - Portugal

From @johan_drone_adventures

6. An epic waterfall view from above at Portugal 

From @johan_drone_adventures

8. Do you know that the main color of Mykonos island in Greece is white and purple?

From @npsideris_new

9. A corner of green field at Açores - Portugal, how beautiful

From @johan_drone_adventures

10. Dinner date in the lavender field, at Italy

From @takemyhearteverywhere

11. Eagle view from the hidden island at Açores - Portugal

From @johan_drone_adventures

12. Enjoy the epic view, at Açores - Portugal

From @johan_drone_adventure

13. A corner of Mykonos island in Greece

From @npsideris_new

14. Enjoy coffee with a beautiful sky, at Mykonos Island - Greece 

From @npsideris_new

15. This Mykonos island, Greece is a dream for any traveler

From @npsideris_new

16. The magical pool at Crete - Greece

From @cbezerraphotos

17. A beautiful Greece vibe, only at Mykonos island

From @npsideris_new

18. Sunset at Mykonos island

From @npsideris_new

19. A hidden water pool at top of a mountain, at Açores - Portugal

From @johan_drone_adventures

20. Where the mountain meet the seas, how beautiful is this shore

From @johan_drone_adventures

21. Mykonos island at dawn, enjoy dinner with a view

From @npsideris_new

22. What a magical place, at Açores - Portugal

From @johan_drone_adventures

23.  A day at Mykonos island - Greece

From @npsideris_new

24. The shape peak mountain at Açores - Portugal is amazing

From @johan_drone_adventures

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